Maria Teresa Tavares
Maria Teresa Tavares is an arts professional based in Melbourne, Australia. She has ten years’ experience working in Sao Paulo, London and Melbourne.
Prior to moving to Australia to undertake a Masters in Arts and Cultural Management, Maria Teresa had a long-term association with Videobrasil in Sao Paulo. There, she took part in the organisation of numerous projects, including the institution’s contemporary art biennial and major shows such as Sophie Calle – Take Care of Yourself, and Isaac Julien – Geopoetics. Her experience in Brazil also includes organising internet-based festivals for the Sergio Motta Institute in partnership with Youtube and Flickr, and working as a gallery assistant for two leading Brazilian contemporary art galleries, Galeria Nara Roesler and Casa Triangulo.
As part of her Masters at the University of Melbourne, Maria Teresa has interned at the National Gallery of Victoria, the Australian Centre of Moving Image, Melbourne Recital Centre, and the Melbourne Art Fair. As per her interest in managing artists’ archival collections, she recently completed a professional development experience working at the Archive and Collection of Isaac Julien Studio in London.