Chiharu Shiota: Available Works

I Hope, 2021. Lamp (drawings, chandelier, Stainless steel, Heat-resistant Satin Glass, transparent Din A5 sheets). 28 x printed artworks by the artist. 65 x “I HOPE…” pages to customize. 1 x hand-signed and numbered page.

I Hope, 2021. Lamp (drawings, chandelier, Stainless steel, Heat-resistant Satin Glass, transparent Din A5 sheets). 28 x printed artworks by the artist. 65 x “I HOPE…” pages to customize. 1 x hand-signed and numbered page.

Hello Art Supporters,

Following our very special virtual event last week, Chiharu Shiota at Koenig Galerie in Berlin, our International Curatorial Associate Anais Lellouche has kindly shared a list of available works of the artist.

There is a waiting list for her drawings in EU but the ones in the shared list are available for purchase in Australia. I thought it was also interesting to note that the sculpture ‘Belonging' is a cast of the artist’s hand, her husband and their child coming together as one unit.

Anais has also added the editioned mobile of 'I Hope' — a lamp with suspended drawings, where you are also invited to add your messages of hope!

Here is a link to the list of works.

Please get in touch with me if any of these are of interest.

Kind regards
